Monday, February 9, 2009

News from NICK DeG!!!!

Elder DiGiuseppe: "I am a traveler. Which means basically I drive around a van and train other missionaries on exchanges all day every day. I don't have my own area, or my own ward. In fact, wherever I am on sunday, thats where I go to church. Life as a traveler is crazy. I had to drive 18 hours straight on Thursday. how insane! Its pretty intense, BUT I get some serious blessings in response to the work. I think everywhere I have gone, I have seen super amazing miracles. I think one of the sweetest miracles that I saw was when we were at a members house. After teaching we asked for a referral, and they thought and gave us the name of a lady. We went to her house, no one was home. So we knocked her neighbors and taught some good people, and after that we looked at her house again, but the lights were still out and no cars home. But we knocked again. No answer. But, we felt prompted to knock again, and she came down the stairs!!! She said it was funny because she had just been thinking of some missionaries she had met years ago. God touched that member family, us, and her, just so we would be able to teach her. She wanted us to come back and gave us her number and times. it was amazing. She said she would read all of 3 Nephi by next week. I won't ever see her again, but it was awesome miracle to see God touch so many hearts just for her! I loved it."

- Nick promised pictures soon.....keep checking the blog for updates

What a COOL story! It IS amazing how much God loves us each as individuals. We have such an impact on the lives of those people we interact with. Do you look for ways to serve the people around you? To share the gospel with them?