Monday, July 20, 2009

La Pouvoir de La Priere

A beautiful testimony from Elder Wigginton about serving, acting, and listening to the Spirit. A family who has the chance to be sealed together forever.

"We started teaching her husband about two and half months ago. He seemed very reserved and is very active in his current church. He has a stone cold poker face, and while kind, he is an oak. In the first couple of weeks he would come to church and talk to us once a week. Then we started talking twice a week. I felt like he could be converted, but then he stopped coming to church. I have prayed about him so much, and I know Yvette has prayed for him much more. I saw Sister Yvette remotely discourage for the first time a week and a half ago. I knew it was because of Ben. She wants him to be baptized so bad, to go to the temple with him and their family, and to be sealed for time and eternity. I could see she thought the opportunity was slipping away.

On Tuesday we taught him about Temples and the Ordinances that take place inside. I said a silent prayer while Elder Chirwa was teaching that somehow we would know what to say and that when we extended the invitation for baptism that he would accept. As Elder Chirwa continued to teach I had a thought to share a principle not commonly taught in the missionary lessons- the concept of a sin of commission and a sin of ommission. I said to myself, "Okay, how can I integrate this into our lesson." As Sister Yvette talked about the difference between a chapel and a temple, the topic of worthiness came up and my opportunity came. I taught the principle and finished the lesson inviting him to be baptized again, asking how his prayers were going. He again said no. I then felt prompted to share two scriptures: Alma 34:32-34 and James 1:22. After simply sharing these and explaining the principles, he said something I did not understand too clearly, "On va," literally meaning "one is going." I quickly realized he had accepted the invitation.

I could not deny the fact that Heavenly Father had answered my prayer almost immediately as I followed the whisperings of the Spirit in what to say and to teach. To witness this miracle and the joy that it has and will continue to come to this family is enough for me to say that the past thirteen months have been worth every ounce of energy, every frustration, and every bit of other suffering that I have felt. Yet, I have been blessed far beyond that and continue to be blessed each day. I promise you that prayer is absolutely crucial in our daily lives, and that if we act in accordance with the laws of God that we will be blessed beyond our comprehension."