Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Simple Testimony

I love this pure testimony of the power of the Gospel to change lives.

From Elder Wigginton:
Truly, this time here is incredible. I have never felt closer to my Father in Heaven, nor have I ever loved so many people. It is a great blessing. I know it is the work of God, and I do not sit back, but work and watch the miracle of the Gospel change lives for the better. It is amazing to watch how family relationships improve as we teach them to pray together. It is amazing to watch alcoholics leave the poison behind and to see others leave cigarettes. It is incredible to see boys transform into men, respecting the women around them and their parents at home. And it is equally miraculous to be changed for the better by the power of this force. We do have a Father of Heaven and he does listen to our prayers. I assure you of it. His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, makes it possible for us to be forgiven for the errors we have committed. The peace that comes from His Atonement cannot be accounted for by anything else but the divine. I know these things. I see their results each day in my life, and I pray that you all will invite Him into your lives.

Elder Wigginton and a family he taught and baptized