Sunday, May 24, 2009


Here are some bits from recent letters from Elder Packer and Elder Blue Star. They both make me think about how important it is that we are open to change and that we recognize the desire and ability to change in others. I think we all are trying to become better and help others become better too. I know that we can do it if we follow the examples of these great Elders and their great investigators!

"Jorg was very nervous that he would be unable to keep the commitment to follow Christ his whole life as he is 32 and has lots of set ways that he wanted to change but felt it would be very hard. Through the help of the Scriptures and the promise that he would receive heavenly aide through the Holy Ghost, he was able to overcome his fears and valiantly choose to enter the waters of baptism. I have a video that I attached of when he was just baptized in which he speaks of how he felt relieved of his old temptations and how great he feels. Very soon after the baptism, he left and went back to Holland. We received an email that he made it to church and the members ¨jumped for joy¨ when they received him. I am sure his talents and testimony will light up his branch in Holland and that Jorg will continue seeing miracles in his life thanks to his grand decision to choose the path of Christ.... the only path that leads to a fullness of everlasting joy." - Elder Blue Star

Jorg's Baptism

"We found a family a couple of nights ago, Nick and Crystal. We
actually found them about a week ago. We were tracting and this guy
was coming up the stairs and we said, “Hey, how’s it going?” He’s
like, “I just quit smoking,” and he was in a really bad mood and so we
gave him a pamphlet and said, “Cool, man,” and we started talking with
him and he said, “I gotta go,” and he just shut the door. So I’m like
“Ok. So I wrote in my planner that that guy was trying to make
changes. He’s quit smoking, so maybe he’ll like the gospel a lot. So
we went back over there a few days ago because I was thinking, if he’s
quitting smoking, then he’s a candidate for the gospel. So we went
over there and the guy was so cool. He was totally different because
he’s not trying to quit any more and he was in a much better mood. We
went over there last night and actually got in and taught him and his
wife Crystal and they are so cool." -Elder Packer

I love Elder Packer's story. He didn't push but he made a note to come back later. I love that the Spirit lets us know how to talk to people in the ways they need when they need.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Recent News

Elder DeGiuseppe is BACK from his mission (in that case, we can now call him Nick!)! Keep posted for updates of when he will be speaking.

Elder Packer:  "Janet (an investigator) got baptized and loves the ward. This ward is so nice. They fellowship the people we bring to church like hungry lions going after gazelles"

WOW. Look at that ward! They are so EXCITED and ready to help those who are coming in. The full-time missionaries cannot do it by themselves! Can we do this? President Hinckley said: " Every new convert needs a friend in the Church to whome he can constantly turn, who will walk beside him, who will answer his questions, who will understand his problems"

Challenge: Look for people at church whom you don't know. Talk to them, get to know them. Introduce them to others. People feel more comfortable when they recognize some friendly faces!

Elder Packer continues: "Things here are great: the work’s great, the ward’s great, our people are great. In the last 2 weeks, I’ve realized more how minimal I am in the actual conversion process. The Spirit does everything and I’m lucky enough to help people find and recognize it. With the way Nancy and Michael have clung to the Book of Mormon since we gave them theirs, and seeing them come out to church and love it, it’s highlighted who really is making things happen. I love being able to rely on the Holy Ghost to testify of the message of the Restoration. There’s no way I’ve been the reason they’ve come to the point they’re at. The great thing about the truth is that the Spirit will always testify. Unfortunately not everybody who’s felt the spirit has joined, but it’s definitely recognized and at the very least a seed has been planted"

As outlined in Preach My Gospel, a missionary's purpose is to INVITE others to come unto Christ. As he/she opens his/her mouth and testifies and invites someone to learn more, it gives the person a chance to feel the Holy Ghost and exercise their agency to learn more. We are all missionaries. We also have the opportunity to open our mouths and share the good news!

Elder Wigginton: "I bear my simple testimony that Jesus Christ did take upon him the pains and afflictions of the world that we might have a source of hope in this lifetime. He suffered this in the Garden of Gethsemane where he, "fell upon his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt" (Matthew 26:39). He was then taken, tried, and crucified by the very people he loved and served. After three days, he rose again, and he lives today. I know this with surety, and because of Him, we are promised resurrection: "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive" (1 Corinthians 15:22). I testify of this truth and invite you all to take a moment to reflect upon its significance in your lives and in the lives of those you love, to consider its possibilities and implications, for they are eternal and fill my heart with great hope"