-Look at the pure love and joy these missionaries are feeling! A love for people as children of God and joy at helping them come to know truth! You can have this love and joy too!!!
-"But let me give you a little peek into one of the greatest hours slash one of my favorite hours of my life...Elder Giberson and I were tracting and I had a feeling/prompting that I should share with somebody that they were a child of God. So I asked a couple questions to Elder G to figure out how to say what I wanted. We rang the doorbell and when a lady came out I tripped over my words, but eventually got it all out. She let us in and we taught her a lesson about Christs gospel and shared simple, sincere testimony....Pretty much I walked out of that house feeling pure joy. I took a picture of my planner bc we accomplished our goals that day..." -Elder Dixon (He got up enough courage to say what he wanted to say in a foreign language and listen to those promptings he received)
-I finally got Elder DiGiuseppe's email address. I will let you know when I get an update
-No new news for now from Elder Bluestar and Elder Wigginton for this week
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